Soulmate Magnet Guide!
Are you a single woman wanting to find your soulmate? You may be looking for your mate everywhere you go, but if your mindset and energy are not aligned to attract love, this may be why you haven't found him yet!
I've put together an easy-to-implement 5 step guide to harnessing the Law of Attraction! PLUS a daily guided Soulmate Magnet Manifestation Meditation to take you through the steps on a daily basis so that you can start the exciting journey of manifesting your ideal partner!
(Click on the image to get your guide and meditation!)
Simple Lifestyle Guide to Alleviate Anxiety!
If you struggle with anxiety there are some simple lifestyle factors that can make a big difference to how you feel and how you cope with the symptoms.
In this guide I'm sharing with you the 10 things I recommend that my clients include in their day.
If you incorporate these habits into your life you will feel better, calmer and more in control.
There is also a lovely Guided Meditation for Calm inside the guide for you to download and start listening to daily!
(Click on the image to get your guide and meditation!)
Embracing Dating: A Mindset Guide for Single Women on the Dating Journey!
Many wonderful women I work with and know tell me they hate dating! They wish they could just skip the whole process and meet their partner. I used to feel the same but a year or so into my dating journey I decided that I would need to change my mindset around it if I wanted to find someone special to spend my life with.
This guide will teach you how shifting your thoughts, just a little can change your whole experience with dating. Plus the Dating Confidence and Becoming Rejection Proof Hypnosis Audio (inside the guide) will support and help you to relax and trust in yourself and the process, in order to be in the moment and go with the flow when dating.
(Click on the image to get the guide and hypnosis audio!)
FREE BOOK BONUSES from my book: Unlimited: 7 Habits to Unleash Your Full Potential & Get the Life You Want!
Download your FREE RESOURCES that go with my book and will help you on your journey to realize your full potential!
These powerful tools and exercises include downloads of:
The limiting belief challenge exercise template and instructions on how to use it to transform any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back!
An on-the- spot exercise for increasing your confidence in any situation.
An effective tool for transforming any negative beliefs regarding money and finance.
The perfectly maintainable filing system guide to enable you to be super-organized!
List of inspirational quotes to motivate you daily!
The weekly time log/planner sheet so that you can manage your time like an expert!
The positive mindset maintenance tool and a calming breath exercise so that you can manage your mood and stress-levels throughout the day!
(Click on the image to get your free resources!)