Hypnotherapy & Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) help us change negative thought patterns!
As a hypnotherapist I know the life-changing power that changing your thoughts and beliefs can have! Hypnotherapy & Rapid Transformational Therapy (which utilises hypnosis as well as other effective modalities like CBT, NLP and Gestalt Therapy) help people to gain awareness on certain patterns and triggers; where they come from and when and why they started in our lives.
Self-Awareness Leads to Change!
Even just understanding the root of some of our negative emotions, habits and behaviours can set us free, as we understand that the subconscious mind has held outdated and unnecessary coping mechanisms from the past and they are no longer relevant to us today.
When I work with clients who want to improve their relationships or attract healthy love into their lives, we dig into any blocks that may be in the way. These may be in the form of limiting beliefs about themselves and relationships. Once they understand what may be standing in the way of them finding healthy love, they can naturally let go of these blocks and take the necessary actions to actually meet a potential partner.
“What self-acceptance does is open up more possibilities of succeeding because you aren’t fighting yourself along the way.”- Shannon Ables.
Having clearer awareness of our patterns and core beliefs, feelings and behaviours is empowering. It gives us confidence that we can change our relationships in the future. It also provides the opportunity to connect and forgive ourselves for anything we did or let happen in the past.
With self awareness comes self love, acceptance and compassion. With an understanding of why we think, feel and act in certain ways, we know what our triggers are and are able to self regulate to avoid reacting in the same negative ways we did in the past.
This self awareness really does set us free because once we know why we have made certain choices in our past or are triggered by certain situations we have the choice to change, to choose a better way. Once we know our part played in any unhealthy patterns we can start to make different choices.
We can also challenge our limiting beliefs which have been guiding us to choose or accept less than we’re worth. We understand that we’ve been governed by false limiting beliefs and this empowers us to make changes.
Our subconscious mind is receptive to new ideas and beliefs!
In hypnotherapy & RTT we then use hypnosis to 'wire' in new and more helpful beliefs and ideas that will help us with any issues such as lack of self-esteem and confidence, communication, boundaries and dealing with any triggers which may have caused insecurities or emotional reactions in the past!
This takes a bit of repetition, but the mind will absorb new replacement ideas when it hears them regularly for a period of time. I get my clients to listen to a powerful hypnotherapy audio for at least 21-28 days and they report feeling different and better about what we focussed on changing or improving. Also, they often tell me that they notice they are behaving differently too and our actions produce our results in life, don't they :)
Here are some comments from clients who have noticed incredible shifts after hypnosis:
"The best thing been since the session has been feeling able to communicate my feelings and needs. Feeling like a mental blockage has been removed and some energy has been released."
"The best thing been since my session has been the confidence I have gained in myself. My acceptance and gratitude towards my past. I feel supported within myself, which is something I used to seek in everyone and everything else around me."
"Relationships have been my biggest challenge, no matter how much I tried, I kept meeting guys that were not treating me right to somewhat abusive. The best thing that happened in my life after my RTT experience, is I have met a super wonderful man that genuinely cares and loves me."
"RTT helped me to build the strength and conviction that I am lovable and respected by men. Now when I meet up with the man I'm dating, I feel confident and in control which is such a relief. I am enjoying his company and making sure to take care of my needs at the same time. He is loving my confidence and clarity."